So Lady Bird has been here about a week… and, believe it or not, not even a growl or tooth bared from anybody! I had hoped Lady Bird’s laid-back demeanor and low energy would mean an easy introduction, but it’s been even smoother than I could have hoped. She has shown little to no interest in Belle (exactly as Belle prefers), but has had a few little play romps with Bear. Belle usually butts in, and then Lady Bird gets out of the way (my two play rough). For the most part though, Lady Bird is happy relaxing. She’s definitely a mellow girl.

She definitely is enjoying being able to lie on the couch. Even more if you’re on it with her.

A little research (I’m not as knowledgeable about hounds) has led me to believe that she’s a red tick coonhound – also known as an English coonhound. She appears to have no hang-ups and lets you mess with her as much as you want (I’ve even clipped a couple of her nails). She’s very affectionate and friendly – and even my cat isn’t particularly bothered by her presence.

She’s not much for balls, but she does seem to love all the ratty stuffies laying around the house.

A little side note: Bear is pretty much the greatest dog in the universe.

I have to admit, she’s a pretty decent model, even if she doesn’t offer up the greatest variety…

She is definitely a scent hound – she’s located several long-ago hidden bones, under couches, behind furniture, etc.

Some people pay a lot of money for imitation hand-scraped wood flooring. Mine are authenticly paw-scraped.

One last artsy one to show off her pretty markings.

Miss Lady is available for adoption — if you’re interested in this ridiculously sweet, mellow girl, please contact Paws in the City! If you know somebody who might be, spread the word!
Shauna (Fido & Wino) - Congratulations! That photo made me smile 🙂
Simon - Good luck, love the pics and website format but FYI some of the links at the top didn’t work for me (portfolio, about etc).
Simon - PS sorry, my bad with the portfolio, it does work.