thank Dog. photography » fun, artistic, modern pet portraits | Dallas,Texas

kelly & patrick

I am not a wedding photographer.  The thought of it terrifies me a little.  I mean, when dogs make funny faces or close their eyes, it’s cute.  When a bride does the same?  Not so cute usually.  Plus I know next to nothing about posing people (the bride kept saying, “But I’ll listen and do what you want!”, which was exactly my worry — I have no idea what to want!).

But, despite my best intentions and good sense, my friend Kelly talked me into shooting her wedding. It was a very small wedding in the gorgeous Lake Tahoe, and the whole thing made for a super fun, laid-back weekend.  Kelly rented a gorgeous house right on the lake for the wedding party (and me!) to stay in and for the wedding to take place.   The whole wedding was maybe 25 people, followed by dinner and *happy* dancing on the makeshift dancefloor (a small, cleared part of the dining room). They’re having a more formal (and larger) reception (with the cake and champagne, etc.) this weekend back in Dallas.

The whole thing was a little nerve-wracking (and I have a whole new respect for you wedding photographers).  I always tend to overshoot, but, wow, I took a lot of photos!



Becky (rksquared) - The pictures are beautiful, Deb! I know exactly how you feel about shooting people. I was informed mid-session the other day that the couple (who’s dog I was shooting) wanted to use some of the pics as engagement pictures. *Panic!*

Ruth - You did a great job Debbie, well done! The couple must be delighted 🙂

Amy - Excellent! I got teary looking at some of these.

look what I found!

I’ve been a bit absent the past week or so, but with reason.   I went to Lake Tahoe to attend and shoot a friend’s wedding.  I’m still working through the images and will post some soon.  But, let me say, wedding photographers gained a whole new level of respect in my book.  I was a little terrified going in (what do I know about shooting people?!?) — it was a lot of fun, but a lot of work as well.

Anyway, this morning, Big Momma and I got up early to go to the hot air balloon festival for the morning lift-off.  We only got a couple blocks from home though because I spotted something too cute to pass by.  Meet Nate (or at least that’s what his tag says).


Nate was hanging out on a street corner, looking lost.  I did a u-turn and pulled up next to him and sweet little pup came running over.  It’s hard to say how long he’s been lost — he’s in good shape except for some mats in his fur — but he’s clearly somebody’s baby.  I’ve left a message at the number on his tag and am waiting for the call back.  In the meantime, Nate’s got a belly full of goodness, had a little loving, and is now just hanging out in my backyard, pawing at me to keep petting him.  He’s unbelievably sweet, but isn’t quite sure what to make of my two.  Poor Bear has been trying so hard to get him to play a bit, but Nate hasn’t taken the bait yet.  Even Belle has been relatively well-mannered so far (though I’ve kept her on leash around him).


UPDATE:  Nate’s home safely!

Becky (rksquared) - What a cutie! Glad to know he’s home safe.

nick - Glad nate made it home safe!

bonnie & maggie | dallas dog photography

Bonnie and Maggie are a couple of little old Yorkie ladies.  Tiny little creatures, but with big personalities.

Bonnie’s 15 (yes, 15!).  She’s a little shy and wasn’t crazy about the whole photoshoot idea, but she eventually warmed up and showed her stuff.





Lest you think Bonnie’s just an old biddy — she dances and headbangs with the best of them.  And sneeze-talks (it’s the cutest thing!).headbanger

Maggie is Bonnie’s little sister — and a mere 8 years old.  Maggie is not as shy as her sister — primarily because Maggie really likes treats.  A lot.




Maggie decided she wanted to shake things up — and give me a little of her bed-head look…  I about peed my pants.


Thanks, Rebecca!

Rebecca - Thank you, Debbie! The shots are awesome! I love the one where Bonnie is sneezing. And Maggie peaking over the side of the couch shows her personality so well.

Claire - what a great shoot, debbie. looks like you totally captured her personality!

beth - you saved the best for last! the bed-head is hysterical. I almost choked on my coffee.

Cindy Chaffin - Omigawd, rat-dogs can be cute! These 2 are precious!

happy birthday, goofy goobsie!

I’m sure the dogs want to wish their Aunt Angela a happy birthday — just in their own way (which clearly is not the same as my way).  And Belle wishes she’d share some cake.birthday-belle

Claire - haha, too cute! i have a thing for dogs in hats–especially for birthdays 🙂

Angela - Thank you Belle for my birthday wishes! But no cake for you – gotta maintain that lovely girlish figure.

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