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Category Archives: foster dogs

looking back at 2013

Since I never ever blog, I thought I’d quickly tag a few of the photos I like from the past year and stick them inView full post »

bruiser (aka doolittle)

This past week I puppysat Bruiser (he came to my house as “Doolittle” but I have an admitted problem callingView full post »

adopting from a rescue organization

I recently read an article by a woman complaining about her difficulty in adopting a dog from a rescue organization.  View full post »

trials and tribulations of a baby lab

I’ve posted about some of this episode on Facebook (if you don’t “like” thank Dog, you shouldView full post »

jet, the foster monkey

Since Rosie (now Bella Rose) was adopted a couple weeks ago, Jet’s personality has really come out.  He’s aView full post »

jet & rosie | dfw rescue me

So I’m fostering puppies for DFW Rescue Me again.  Black labs (maybe mixes? their mom looks to be a pure bred,View full post »

ay… chihuahuas.

So it turns out chihuahuas are different than newfs.  Or big lab mixes.  Or even shepherd mixes.  These little guysView full post »

two little monkeys

More of the puppies! [I posted on facebook, but the ridiculous little girl has found her forever home.] Moose (or BusterView full post »

two is easier than one…

But three is definitely more trouble than two. Puppies, of course.  Since  the little fuzzy girl is already spoken forView full post »

puppy breath… it’s a dangerous thing

A couple little nuggets are living with me until they find their forever homes…View full post »

2011 thank Dog calendar

*************  CALENDARS ARE SOLD OUT — THANK YOU!!!! ************* Due to popular demand, thank Dog. isView full post »

cash is home

A wonderful family, the Hunts, adopted Cash yesterday.  He’ll be happy and spoiled rotten with them… but IView full post »

raindrops keep falling on my head

and I don’t like it, says Cash. I’ve been working with Legacy Boxer Rescue to get Cash fixed up and find himView full post »

an introduction

to the deliciousness that is peanut butter. Cash will probably be appearing pretty frequently on the blog — I&#View full post »

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