thank Dog. photography » fun, artistic, modern pet portraits | Dallas,Texas

fall in texas | dallas dog photography

We may not have the beautiful autumn leaves other parts of the country have this time of year — but we have this.
I have to say, this is definitely my favorite part of the year for photography. The flowers may be mostly gone, but we have glorious blue skies, fields of tall grass, and, best of all, 60-70 degree weather!  I took the boys out to the lake (Belle got to go to wine night instead) to enjoy the gorgeous day.






I tried to get some of the two together.  Well, I didn’t try very hard – but largely because this is what I was getting.  Bear’s such a piglet.


Becky - Great shots, Deb. Gorgeous blue skies!

Jennifer - Gorgeous photos! Boxer boy is looking good!

happy halloween!

Someone’s rethinking his decision to show up on my doorstep…

boxer boy-2boxer boy

Bear thought maybe Boxer Boy’s presence would mean he got a break.  Not so fast, Mr. Bear.

bear & belle-2

The arrival of Boxer Boy has upset Belle most of all, so I did largely give her a break.

bear & belle

Becky - Oh my gosh, Deb, I want your front porch. 🙂 That image of Belle with the boys peeking through the window kills me!

Rhianne - these are great, Belle looks fabulous!

Jennifer - Hi there, I’m your new obsessed fan. I stumbled across your pics on the Save a Dog app for FB. Oh my gosh, I love them. Your about me also really hit home. Love your work.

Cindy Chaffin - Those dogs are going to kill you in your sleep…

Claire - oooh, that red wig on the white dog in the very first photo is faaabulous! reminds me that i haven’t yet put my halloween wig on roux…

lily | dallas dog photography

Lily’s about the cutest little creature you can imagine.  Four months old and happy as can be — and who could blame her?  She lives in the most gorgeous house, has all kinds of fun toys, and a pair of adoring parents.  Life is good for Lily.










Lily’s the first to take advantage of a new offering from thank Dog. photography — the Puppy Package!  Basically, it’s three sessions for the price of two, spread out over 6 months to a year.  So in a few months, I’ll be going back to see how big she’s gotten — and then again a few more months after that.  It’s a fabulous way to document the puppy stages (they grow so fast!) and the photos from all three sessions can be combined into an album or collage to document puppy’s first year!

Ruth - A puppy package? What a great idea!! Love these. It must be nice to get a client with a cute dog and a gorgeous house and garden, it really helps 🙂

sarah - oh man. this is beyond cuteness.

Jess Kamm - What a sweet puppy and absolutely yummy images!

Amy - Beautiful puppy! Makes me kind of want one.

Rhianne - What a wonderful idea – Lily is beyond cute! I can’t wait to see her next photos

Rebecca - Don’t get me wrong, I love my girls. But I think Lily is the cutest dog I have ever seen. Can’t wait to see her in a few months!

Cindy Chaffin - This is the…THE…cutest dog in the entire universe.


Congratulations to Samuel and Cookie!

Belle was in charge of drawing the winning entry from all the entries for the free session from LifeWalk/LifeBark (a great event for an important cause!).


She was very excited about the whole thing.

If you didn’t win this time, I’ll be having another drawing for a free session following Walk & Wag on Saturday, October 24th.  Come by to see me and enter again!

update on the boxer boy

The little boxer boy is still hanging out with me.  I took him to the vet on Sunday morning, and she said his wounds did appear to be the result of a fight (though, since the majority of the wounds are to his back end, he may have been trying to get away).  She pulled and prodded on him a bit and determined that nothing was broken — just that the wounds on his back legs were seriously inflamed and probably infected, particularly around the joints.  They cleaned up the wounds, flushed out his ears (another infection) and prescribed some antibiotics/anti-inflammatories.  They definitely appear to be working – the swelling has gone way down and he definitely seems to be feeling better.

Since that was going well, I took him out to a (seriously inexpensive) clinic on the recommendation of Paws in the City yesterday for a general wellness exam.  He tested positive for hookworms and, unfortunately, heartworms.  He’s not coughing a lot so hopefully he’s in the early stages.  Regardless, once he’s healed up from his other miscellaneous problems, he’ll need to begin the heartworm treatment.  The treatment is basically poison, and requires that the dog be strictly confined for a couple months — no walks, no running around.  For those of you lucky enough to live in areas where heartworms aren’t a problem —  you’re lucky.  They’re ugly, and the treatment is ugly.  The American Heartworm Society has a lot of information about prevention, diagnosis, effects and treatment,  if you’re interested.

I’m working on trying to find him a good foster (or better yet, forever) home that can provide the environment he needs for the heartworm treatment.  Even if I am able to integrate him into my pack (not a given, particularly since he’s an intact male), I’m fairly sure I wouldn’t be able to keep him as confined and immobilized as he needs to be for the next couple months.

But, until then, he’s hanging around.  He’s definitely feeling much better, and his personality is coming out more and more.  He’s such a sweetheart — he’s charmed everyone he’s come into contact with and has yet to show even the slightest hint of aggression.  My two have been kept separate from him, but he has shown interest (with little nub tail wagging) in other dogs at the vets’ offices — and he even politely sniffed at a cat.  He follows me around closely, looking for a little attention, and will sing if you stop petting him.


He’ll make someone a fabulous pet.

Becky - He looks like a sweetheart (of course, I tend to think that of all dogs). I was wondering how things were going with Belle and Bear + new dog. I hope you can find him a good forever home!

Ruth - He’s so cute 🙂 I hope you can find a home for him soon.

april - How awesome of you to take him in & care for him! What a handsome guy he is. I hope he has a speedy recovery & finds a fantastic new home!

Emilee - He looks so sweet and handsome! I hope he finds his forever home soon, and heals up from his wounds and the worms. I’m so glad he found someone as caring and loving as you!

Rhianne - Aww, I hope you find him a good home.

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