Luna’s a pretty little terrier mix (maybe part schipperke?). She was adopted as a grown dog so her age is unknown, but she’s estimated to be anywhere from 4 to 7 years old. She’s a sweet little girl, a little shy but coming out of her shell. She and her mom have been taking agility classes for about six months, and Luna’s proving to be a natural. She’s clicker-trained to sit, down, beg, wave, stay, and dance — and is learning more each day. Well-behaved dogs like Luna make my job easier – but they tend to remind me that I should work on obedience with my two a little more often!
Cowboy is a super sweet old lab (don’t tell him he’s old though – he doesn’t know). He was kind enough to help me out on a project I was working on a few weeks ago so I thought I’d share a few quick shots of the handsome guy. The plan is to have a full session with all the family once the weather (and yards!) improve — can’t wait!

LOVE that salt and pepper face! Great shots Deb!
I just LOVE that top photo. And cowboy is a great name!
He’s crooked little bottom teeth are pretty cute 🙂
On Friday, I went out to Toothacres and met up with some of the Paws in the City long-timers. Several of these guys have been looking for new homes — foster or forever — for months, all the while being boarded. While they’re safe and well-cared for, they’re not getting the love and attention that they deserve. A few of these kids need to be the only child, but all of them are sweet as can be.
First up – the very aptly-named staffie, Tank. Love Tank. He’s a big softie and will try to crawl his way into your lap to smother you with kisses. And the boy IS a tank, a ton of muscle packed into a short-legged body. He plays well with others — he spent most of the adoption event on Saturday looking for a chance to wrestle with his buddy, Otto (who will be in an upcoming post).
Sweet Baby James. He’s been around for a long time. He’s fantastic with people – very gentle, smart, sweet – but he does need to be an only child from what I understand. Of the dogs I met on Friday, James had the best manners by far.
Hoss. Poor Hoss has been through hell and back. He’s a big, gentle soul, but is understandably a little reserved. He’s coming around though and is starting to learn that not all people are bad.
Mighty Minnie. Sweet little girl – super soft – and an excellent fetcher. She caused a little stir when we had her out playing — Paws had been told she was already spayed, just before she went into heat. So she’s scheduled to be spayed (again?) soon.
Big Boy Louie. Poor Louie has had a myriad of health problems, but those are finally sorted and all that’s left is to put a little more weight on him. He’s an enthusiastic boy – a puppy in a very big boy suit. And he has no problem covering you with big, sloppy, dane kisses.
Miss Lisa. She’s a focused little girl, a bundle of energy. Very playful, affectionate, and busy.
Dempsey, Dempsey, Dempsey. He’s an independent boy that looks a little intimidating, but isn’t. He’s graduated from a basic obedience training class and is just hoping someone will fall in love with his jumbo ears and take him home.
If you’re looking for a dog – or know anyone who is – please check out Paws in the City. They have a bunch of really great dogs that would be eternally grateful to have a new home and a family to love.

So, seems like the bull breed issue is much the same in U.S as it is over here – so sad, yet again completely fabulous dogs are left without homes for themselves – hope these guys have a lucky year <3
The Westminster Dog Show starts tonight, with Best in Show awarded tomorrow night. Last year, I was lucky to go to Westminster in person (thanks, Dad!!). It was a blast – so much fun seeing all kinds of dogs I’d heard of, but never even seen in real life. It’s a zoo, particularly in the benching area, but that’s all part of the fun. And, I have to say, I think the movie “Best in Show” might really be a documentary. The dogs seem happy and pampered, if a bit pooped and/or bored by the end. I, not surprisingly, took about a zillion photos (I’ve only included a small portion in the slideshow below!).
I know some people disagree with the idea of dog shows, and, while I think they’re a little silly, I don’t mind them. I fully support shelters and rescue organizations and hope that everyone that’s interested in getting a dog considers adopting as there are an endless supply of great dogs that really need homes. But I also do not have an issue with responsible breeding — key word being “responsible.” I love the different breeds and the unique qualities that set them apart from one another, so I support the furthering of each breed, so long as it is done properly. That being said, if you are considering buying a purebred dog, please, please, please do your research. There are a ton of websites with advice on things to look for, questions to ask, little tests to perform. Visit the breeder and see the dogs — all the dogs. See where the pups live, see how they behave and react to you, to the breeder, to other dogs, etc. Ask questions. If there is anything that makes you uneasy, walk away. Don’t help keep a bad breeder in business.

so cool that you got to go last year! i’m jealous!
Kay Snyder - I read your blog when I’m done with checking on all the other blogs I try to keep up with because no matter how grim or exciting the posts that I’ve read are I can count on the sweet faces you capture to leave me on a positive note :o)
Shauna (Fido & Wino blog) - That bottom left photo- she just looks so darn sincere!