The past two days have been pretty magical around here — a foot of snow in 24 hours is INSANE down here. Unheard of. Never happened. Ever. Over 24 hours of snowfall – big, fluffy, wet flakes, perfect for snowballs and snowmen. It’s has put everybody in a good mood, with huge smiles and waves from people everywhere. There are snowmen, snowwomen, snowbears, snowangels, snow-you-name-its all over town.
The snow has already begun to melt, and the city is starting to turn into a puddle of slush (12 inches is a lot of precipitation!). A lot of the city lost power (somehow I didn’t – I’m shocked but happy) and are still waiting to get it back. There are trees down everywhere (we have a lot of very well-established, old, evergreen trees that just couldn’t take the weight of all that snow) – I lost half of one, and have another small one pretty much laying on its side (luckily, my ginormous pecan tree is deciduous and held up just fine). But for probably another day, it’s like we’re living in an unexpected winter wonderland.
Belle, not surprisingly, has loved it. I wasn’t sure how Bear would do as he doesn’t like to go out in the rain. But, it turns out his DNA test may have actually been accurate, and he may have malamute in his blood – he’s also had a blast. We’re all exhausted (and a little sore!), but hoping it’ll stick around just a little longer.

It’s been snowing like crazy all day — they’re estimating we may get 8 (EIGHT!) inches before we’re done. We occasionally get a little snow — sometimes it even sticks — but this is CRAZY. This is Texas, y’all!!
The dogs and I have had such a fun day playing in it (unfortunately, the Bear photos didn’t turn out because my glasses were so fogged up, I couldn’t even tell that I had accidentally switched the auto-focus off with my big old gloved fingers).
Belle did not want to come inside.

wow, that’s nuts! At least the dogs can enjoy it! lol…they look like they’re having a blast!
I’m thanking my lucky stars that while half the continent got destroyed by snow in the last couple days it JUST missed where I am. An hour south of us got hit with 20cm…but not a flake here! woohoo!
Picasso is a sweet little Biewer terrier recently adopted from a yorkie rescue. I hadn’t heard of Biewers before, but they’re basically an offshoot of a yorkie. From what I can tell, they are now considered a separate breed, but I think it may be similar to how landseer newfs are considered a separate breed in Europe.
Picasso’s a little bigger than most yorkies, which means he looks a lot like a cross between a yorkie and a westie. He’s a little sweetheart – slightly shy but already starting to coming out of his shell and make new friends. A couple hours telling him how handsome he is and offering him delicious treats meant that I was welcome into his circle. Our shoot was on a super cold, grey morning (even by non-Texas standards), but we managed to get some cute shots.

Aw- love the one with the toy in the air 🙂
[…] cute little nugget, Picasso, is back for more photos. I first met him not long after he was adopted – he was a little nervous and scared (though not as much as his […]
Shauna (Fido & Wino blog) - Happy V-Day to you as well!