26 straight days of 100+ degree weather – with no end in sight. Pfffllttt…
I had a session scheduled to photograph a sweet boxer named Savannah tomorrow morning. Savannah had done a little bit of modeling for me over a year ago for a specific project, but her mom wanted to have a full session for her and was willing to fight the ridiculous heat to do it. Why? Because Savannah had been diagnosed with cancer. Damn cancer. Sadly, things took a sudden and dramatic turn for the worse, and her mom has made the heartbreaking, difficult decision to end her pain today.
Rest in peace, Savannah.
If you have an ailing pup that you’d like to have photographed, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I promise to do my very best to accommodate you. I can’t guarantee I won’t cry at the session, but I’ll make sure you have some lovely images to remember your best friend.

There must be no other comments on this entry because it’s hard to type while you’re crying. This is so touching. I’m so glad this dog found the right mom…and photographer, too.
You are a wonderful photographer! Just wish I had found you last year before it was time to let my 15 year old Cairn terrier go. I would have loved to have some pictures of his last days. May you have a long & prosperous career.
Penny (white) and Tux (dark grey) are a funny little pair of schnauzers. We were actually originally going to have our session in the bluebonnets, but I got a funny, panicked text a couple days before the session. The pair had gone in for a little beautifying, and Penny had come out with her legs shaved down and she looked “like a potato on toothpicks.” (Hee!) I had some availability so we postponed the session and decided to meet up at Lee Park several weeks later when her fur grew back in a bit.
A first for me — the easiest and fastest way to get Tux’s attention was to say (in a suitably enthusiastic and high pitch), “go potty? want to go potty?” For some dogs, it’s “treat,” for others it’s “squirrel,” but for Tux… “potty.” I couldn’t stop giggling.
Schnauzer butts!

They are so cute together! Love it