thank Dog. photography » fun, artistic, modern pet portraits | Dallas,Texas


I met Puzzle earlier this week… on her 5th birthday!  She’s an incredible dog – happy and sweet as can be.  If you’ll scratch her butt, you’ll be her forever friend (and she may even work her way into your lap).  And she’s a certified search and rescue dog.  Awesomeness.


I shot Puzzle specifically to get a more “serious” shot to be used for a very special project (more on that at a later time – but for now just a few outtakes).  Unfortunately, a golden retriever plus 100+ degree temperature does not equal “serious” face.  Plus she’s just a happy girl – her signal that she’s found something when she’s working is to wiggle her whole body (love it!).  I did manage to get a few that aren’t too goofy, but she has a big ol’ grin with her tongue lolling off to the side in a huge chunk of the shots.  


We had her “find” me once in the tall grass – but by doing so, she got covered in burrs.  COVERED.  Poor girl, to think she’d just had a day of beauty.  (A tip I learned – when they’re actually working, her mom sprays her with Pam to keep the burrs from sticking to her fur.)

It was a hot and sweaty day, and I ended up covered in chigger bites (which I am apparently allergic to), but I loved every minute of it.  Puzzle and her mom are an amazingly talented pair, and it was so great to meet them.

Becky (rksquared) - Search and rescue? How awesome! I can’t wait to hear about the secret project.

Claire - love that shot in the grass—gorgeous!

Susannah - Hi Debbie —
I’m so sorry to hear you had an allergic reaction to the chigger bites. Harry Moss Park can be mean that way. Thanks for posting the Happy Birthday to Puz. She too was pretty waxed after our two-day adventure, but she sure did love you — and then some!

Thanks again for all your hard work, and your patience, in the heat.

-=Susannah & Puz

Team Logan - Logan loves the pics of her cousin Puz! Working girls (and good looks!) run in the family, Logan is an assistance dog.

Dot - Such a great face…gotta love those Goldens. Can’t help it! 😉

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