thank Dog. photography » fun, artistic, modern pet portraits | Dallas,Texas

happy holidays

What’s that saying?  The cobbler’s children have no shoes?  Yeah, I totally ran out of time to worry about Christmas photos of my own pups!

*One of Bear’s presents is this year was a reprieve – I didn’t make him pose at all.  (Belle had only very minimal humiliation to endure.)

elizabeth - Hee hee :)…I have a similar pose (although not nearly as professionally done) with another species in the animal world on my blog post today too! Merry Christmas, and thank you for all you do in promoting the less fortunate in the animal world! Blessings, Liz

Becky - That may be the best, “I can’t believe she’s making me do this.–Don’t you feel sorry for me?” look I’ve ever seen. She’s such a cutie!

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